Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Whether you admit it or not, the government is the central source of power governing our lives. Even if we like it or not. How do they do this? They keep track on us & make sure they have us right where they want us. At first this country was founded by liberal men who indeed were only seeking freedom & tranquility. Though over the years this government has been corrupted by business officials & corporate owners. It is because of them that we are not fairly represented. All they have to do is pay a large amount of money & any law they want gets passed. We have to go through so much struggle. The sad part is that this system is only taking energy & wealth from the poor, & putting it into the hands of a selected manipulative dominant few who will stop at nothing to obtain more wealth, & protect there status in society. Even if it means destroying goverments, causing rebellion with there intricate tactics, or simply paying off someone to get the job done. We have lost complete control over this country & things are not headed in our way. We must stop this system of oppresion & begin to stand out in crowds. We must unite & fight for what's right. We can't sit back & let corporate officials rape our earth, as well as control it. The good intelligent people are the ones who should be in control of society, not ignorant millionaires misled by gread. In order for us to protect our freedom we must fight for it & show them that we are not afraid. We make up the infrastructure of our economy, they just manipulate the flow of money & keep us in check. They keep us in check by giving us little notes which supposedly mean we have wealth, when in reality it is nothing more but debt & interest. We don't need the federal reserve in order to keep track of whom we owe & how it is that we will compensate them for there deeds. Everyone values something different, so the concept that money can buy everything, is idiotic. Money is the source of all greed & evil,as well as corruption, because it puts total control in the person who created the system of totalitarian currency. We must stop this blind massacre of people's morality in exchange for a cheep way to manipulate other people. We must realize what we are doing by succumbing to the monopoly which the government has on us through the federal reserve. We must stand for what's right & bring justice. People don't need money, but they have made use to believe that is so. Everyone holds something in a higher reverance. Not everyone will hold the same thing to be worth equally. Instead of paying people with money for there services, return something to them which they find of worth, instead of giving them paper work for them. People need to start breaking away from the governments hold, for if we don't we will always be in there control.

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