Tuesday, July 20, 2010


As everyone knows we all live on the planet earth. Lately we haven't been doing to many things which really benefit the earth. In example: oil spills, global warming, destruction of rain forests, and pollution on a mass scale. The more we destroy earth, the more we destroy our one & only home. People seem to be blinded by wealth & power so much that they've forgotten about our planet. If it wasn't for this planet we wouldn't exist. Try your best to contribute to the flourishment of life on this planet. Recycle your trash & avoid dumping any chemical toxins into the ground. Try not to burn things, avoid it as much as possible. Contribute to the efforts of which are being made in order to bring about a more energy efficient society. Promote hybrid production. Grow plants where ever & whenever you can. Bring more oxygen to this earth. Stop letting the oil companies destroy our beautiful mother. Stop the negativety which flows throughout our entire earth. Make this planet a better one which we can all live happily on. Don't pollute the earth, cherish it. For we only have one. We won't be able to just up & move to another planet, we have to make due with what we have. Make mother earth beautiful. Learn more about the earth. Help people who want to clean up the earth & begin to use renewable energy resources. Help fix the storm of problems which he have created on this planet thanks to ignorance.

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