Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Home of the free, land of the corrupt.

This mainly applies to the people who live in the United States of America. I can't lie, this is a great country because of the ideas & morals it was founded on. But that has been savagely & ruthlessly been taken advantage of by the dominant capitolist society. This country has been corrupted by greed, & it is because of these dominant few that other countries hate america, they don't hate us, though they stereotype & make the blind assumption that we are as the corporate officials are. The corporations of america are slowly taking over the world through a system set up to imprison people to a higher power. That system is the economy. The main source of power in this world is money, sadly. Through this they set up conspiracies which mislead the public into thinking that other countries are trying to harm us, they do this to get us all riled up & ready for war. What else is to be expected, but what a surprise the idiots of america get all excited & load there guns. The media is controlled by corporations, don't believe everything you see on the news. Carefully analyze what the media is trying to portray & why that is. One prime example would be the war in Iraq. This war is supposedly because of the attack on the world trade centers which I have established to be a possible government conspiracy, & terrorism. There is no group named al queda which is trying to kill us, if this was so don't you think they would be trying to do so at this very moment? They can because they are under the protection & sanction of Pakistan. We can't invade this country, so they're free to make elaborate plans which would fool the government making it possible for them to attack us. Though this isn't happening because they're just exercising they're freedom of religion, but somehow we've turned them into this radical group bent on destrcution. The real reason we're in Iraq would be for more control, & money. By going over there & having the people kill themselves rather than us them, we gain more control. By utilizing the resource of abundant oil on there land, we gain more money. By setting american embasies & "Democracy" we make them more dependent on us. In reality all we're trying to do is screw them over so that we can have more control over the world & little by little we will have no one to oppose us. Oh & another thing which fueled this was the supposed "Nuclear weapons of mass destruction"...which we never found. We are becoming the very thing we broke apart from hundreds of years ago, the imperialistic country of England. We are become our the very type of government which the people of the colonies hated. We must stop this system of oppresion,debt,greed, & corruption. We the people must stand for what's right & take full control of this corrupt government full of ignorant bought out people. We don't control this country, the corporations of America do. Indeed the world & it's resources are a quiet game in which only the elite dominant few play for the control of what they consider to be wealth.

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