Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Have you ever sat & wondered why there's so much fighting over who's "God". Did you ever think out of the mind set that "God" is not even a person? It's really silly to believe that there's a man in the sky that watches over everything we do & passes righteous judgement just because, if you believe that concept. or that any human being has control over our world, then you are mistaken. Humans are flawed, thus any society or realm created by a human is bound to have flaws. Everyone of has our weaknesses. God in the sense of the entity which is to be credited for our existance would fall mainly in the presence of the sun. The sun is what coordinates our daily movements. When the sun is out, we're out. When it goes down, we go to sleep. Think about it, this is for christians & catholics, whenever you envisioned the son of god coming down descending from heaven followed by the perly gates & the almighty behind him, what did you honestly see in the background? Was it not just a very bright light which you couldn't see through? A light with blinding radiance? If you did envision it this way, god, in reality is the sun. Another reason why gemstones, such as gold & pearl, are emphasized so much is because they have a high vibrational frequency(energy) & when 2012 comes the energy will be powerful enough to coat the surface of the earth making it become a more dense rock with radient energy. Every 2,580 years the sun goes through a phase in which it hits its lowest point, remains at that point for three days, then rises & ascends to its peak in the sky shining brighter than ever with its clear radiance. This sequence of events would coincide with the quantative aspect in regards to Jesus Christ's 3 days of being dead then rising. The sun has been significant in each & every religion. It is the sun which has us in it's gravitational pull. It is because of the sun that plant life is allowed to flourish on this planet. It is because the sun that we are allowed to exist on this planet. The sun is a great source of energy & we must learn how to harnest this immense abundance of energy. If we can learn to do this than we can obtain the energy of the sun, then expand our horizons in order to obtain farther sources of energy, giving us an infinite amount of energy to obtain. If we can reach this level of energy efficiency then we can grow as a race to a point never imagined. The sun is constantly giving out energy in the form of its rays of sunshine & solar winds. The world is gaining a better grasp of renewable energy, but first we must learn how to exhaust this resource in order to obtain a wide variety of other methods to obtain energy. To my knowledge we are the only planet with signs of intelligent life, in cooperation of the human race to achieve one goal, we can become the dominant species in the solar system & be the greater source of energy so that we may be in control. There is other life on other planets, though it seems to be that we would be the most intelligent life in the solar system.

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