Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The War In Iraq

A pointless war only used as a scapegoat to enforce our will in foreign countries. A war without a doubt lead by the corporations of america. An ethnic cleansing held in the form of protection. Nobody seems to really know what exactly is happening & why we're there. Though as soon as you open your eyes & stop watching the idiots on the new & how they explain it, you'll know exactly what's happening & why we're there. It is supposedly said that Saddam Hussein did indeed acquire a weapon of mass destruction, though not in the sense many people depict it to be. The nature of this item is still unknown but one thing is for sure, & that is that the item was not a bomb or anything of that nature. Though thoughts involve it being an ultimate source of energy. One thing is for certain this war is continuing for various reasons, but people need to open there eyes because its not for the retarded reason that terrorists are going to kill us.

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