Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Banks of America

Take a look around you people, more & more businesses are closing, & yet more banks are opening in abundance. Why is this? If we're in a recesion why would we need more banks? Get it to your heads, we will never get out of a recesion, as long as we are controlled by the banks & economic system of the United States. They know that we can't control it, that's why whenever you look at economic stocks they put all these big confusing numbers in front of you so you won't understand, purposely to confuse you. The banks are in control now, and will be until we stop them. All they need is some paper, and they have all they need to take control of our land,property, & freedom. Break this system of oppresion in order for us to finally be free. By circulating something which everybody holds at a very high reverance which is nothing more than a piece of paper, they are able to control the worlds greatest resources without any struggle. Everybody should make there own system of merits to avoid any involvement of the federal reserve banking system. For it isn't a law that we have to use there money. We can stop this if we all come together but it takes effort from each & every person who is sick of tired of living in misery just because they have no money. Again money isn't everything, but now a days you NEED it to survive which is sad. Money from the government is nothing more than a piece of paper which sais you owe somebody something, for why do you need money? You need it buy what you need, so in essence you only get money because you know you need something, you're basically just letting people keep track of what you need instead of just going straight to the source & obtaining it yourself. It's a system of mass confusion which has completely crippled society into thinking that there is no way of managing deeds through honesty & being able to repay people for them without having a faulty conformist system of paper merits. Money may not be the root of all evil, but it certainly is the root of all confusion.

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