Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The False God

If you have, or ever have believe that god is a man in the sky which we can't see, you are very very very sadly mistaken. God is not a person, AT ALL. Man is flawed, so if god where a person he himself would be flawed. God is not an animal, God is not in the clouds, God is not in church, God is not jesus christ, God is not anything of the human realm & should never be referenced to as "he".

God is energy, & energy is god. Your mind is god because everything you see is all in your head, nothing more. Open your eyes & stop believing everything that every other stupid ignorant person is telling you. For they themselves don't even know what God is, not the priest, not the pope, nobody in a church will ever accurately tell you what God is. The main source of energy which governs your life is God. People who subject there theories of God to the aspect that God is cruel in some way & is in total control are very ignorant. Well in reality God is in control, but in a very divine way which you wouldn't understand because God is the flow of things & there will always be a flow. God does not critisize nor discriminate, for these actions are not divine.

No matter what God will always have control over your life whether you like it or not, because if God didn't exist,neither would you. People have radically misintrepretated the concept of God throughout the ages to the point where it's just a joke. Honestly seeing protesters protesting that God hates people that are gay is just one of the funniest things I have ever seen. God does not prefer anyone, God prefers love & compassion amongst all. Don't ever let some stupid ignorant hateful person tell you what God is for they will give you a byast answer which may potentially confuse you. I remember being so scared by the Catholic church that at one point I actually thought very stubbornly to the point where I would honestly & genuinely get scared that if I sinned I would indeed go to hell. Hell is a laugh, and if the "Devil" does not like that, then if he indeed is real, he would kill me at this very moment. God is not hateful, nor will he banish anyone to the depths of an imaginary place. Hell is what you make it, Hell is your fear & doubt. If you hate your life, then you are currently in hell, it doesn't get any worse than that. There is no heaven awaiting you when you die, heaven is when things are in complete harmony & energy flows in abundance as everything is at its peaceful rest. God is love & life. God is all, & all is God.

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