Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Great Awakening

If you haven't noticed, the world is drastically changing. People are waking up & finally seeing what's around them, I suggest you do the same. Learn more & spread enlghtenment because the world is having a rude awakening & there giving it there all to find out what the real problem on this planet is. Don't be left behind, follow me & i'll shed you the light which needs to be seen so that you may be at the same level which everybody is. We are coming out of the dark ages & light is starting to be shed everywhere. Stop placing your wellbeing in the hands of other people & begin to embark on your own spiritual journey. There is so much more to life than money & all this crap which surrounds us. You are not what you think you are, you're a person with flesh & bones living on a sphere named earth in the solar system which exists in the universe. Start looking for answers instead of questioning things. Everything has a pattern, whether you can understand it or not. Even if you choose to be "random" the higher being above us coordinates our movement more than you think, everything does happen for a reason. God or the higher being is now coordinating us to advance ourselves so that our environment may flourish. It's time to come out of this horrible,terrible, awful oppresion of freedom & truth. Life is too short for hate & pain, let the hate go, & let the love take a hold of your life, embrace life. It pains me really bad, to the point of tears when I see people live there lives confused & because of that they take it out on other people whom they love because of there own insecurities. People need to open there mind & get out of there daze. I am willing to help anybody in any way if the resource which they need is in my grasp. I just want everybody to finally stop all this sorrow & pain & for all of us to finally live in heaven, instead of waiting for us to die & think* that we'll go to heaven. Lets make Earth heaven once & for all. No one's gonna do it for you. It's time to usher in the new era.

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