Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Destruction of Our Beautiful Mother

We must stop the massacre of the earth's resources. Everyday more tree's in the lungs of the world(Brazil) are destroyed, more aquifers are dug deeper to deplete the earth's supply of water, & the atmosphere is polluted. So many natural habitats are being destroyed & its repulsive. Oil leeks in the gulf coast with tons of gallons of "Black Gold" gushing into the beautiful ocean, really? This is very very sad & it makes me very angry that people are so easily destroying our own home only to obtain easy resources in abundance. Instead of struggling to maintain equilibrium on this planet & using renewable energy with clean resources, people are taking the easy evil way & raping the earth for its non-renewabl resources on the resource rich areas. This places a monopoly for the world's dominant few to play by controlling the poor in there own territory & working them as if they were slaves to manipulate the flow of resources from there own homeland & causing them to work even harder as they rape the earth more & more. The majority of poor people live in resource rich areas, then why are they poor? More & more of earth's resources continue being exploited everyday. For example the forests in brazil are being cutdown in turn to start soybean farms, which then they utilize the soy beans to feed cattle which they then slaughter. One thing mostly everybody does, they litter. You could help to by stopping to throw items everywhere you want. People contribute even more when they throw there wastes on the beach & into the ocean. Simple things which we could avoid which build up to a bigger whole. Because the rich are taking control of those resources through the distribution of paper or money rather & killing more people each & every day if they get in there way.

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