Tuesday, July 20, 2010


First of all, I would really appreciate it if you would take the time to read my thoughts and concepts, as I hope it will help you in your life. My name is Helios. The reason I created this forum was to enlighten people & to show them that I advocate world peace & happiness. If you feel your life isn't where it should be, then I suggest you open your mind & listen to what I have to say. If you think that life really has no purpose or that all that's been happening to you lately is nothing but pain then you must listen to me. Life is to short for hate,sadness, & negativety. You must break the cycle of hate which seems to be flowing throughout the entire world, & destroying our planet. Everyday more & more people die,natural habitats destroyed, & more hate is spread, though we are slowly making progress. The world is very very confused about what our meaning in life is. We will never be able to live in complete harmony & peace until we show understanding & compassion towards everyone on earth. For no one deserves to be hated nor alone. Everyone deserves to be happy & have fulfilling lives. By being nicer to other people, the world will become a better place overall. One person does make a difference because even though one person is a small piece, a large amount of small pieces put together forms a bigger whole. Believe it or not there are some really nice people in this world who just want to help & be happy. Though the mark made by those people in society is overshadowed by the mark made by the destructive & confused. There's to much negativety on this planet & it has caused natural disasters,sickness & plague, as well as very casual deaths, because we have activated the earth's consciousness. This cycle will never end until we all see that life itself is beautiful & the simple fact that we're alive is one that we should be greatful for. Everyone must enjoy there life to the fullest & have no doubts, nor insecurities in there life. For fear is the weight which anchors us to this physical plane of existance,that is why we die & not live eternally. We must expand our horizons & transcend into unification. For if we don't it'll be our downfall. My intentions from this forum are nothing but positive ones, I feel comfort in the fact that I can help people. If at any time you have a question, just ask me. I will try my best to enlighten you with the knowledge which I have obtained. I know i'm not perfect so there might be very significant answers you have, which I may not have the answer too. But I get smarter everyday & stronger. One day hopefully I'll have enough knowledge to help every person on this planet in order to bring a more peaceful world. Though my effort alone will never be enough to completely push this movement through. There isn't much time left for the world to change, so people must react quickly if they want to make this work. There is no doubt within me that what I speak of isn't the truth. For I can prove my theories & concepts to both a scientist & religous person. My beliefs coincide with both philosophies. I would never try to confuse any person, nor discourage. I want every person to know that there will always be good people on this planet who want & know what's best for the earth.One of those people being myself. Our lives could become beautiful & so energetic, as well as peaceful. More than you could imagine, so much that it is to an extent of which you'll never grasp the concept of until you feel it. Help me in my efforts to change the world we live in & make it a more beautiful one by spreading knowledge & love to one another so that we may spiritually evolve. I appreciate everybody who took the time to read this & I really hope that I made a good impression on you. Thank you once again for at least reading this portion.

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