Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The majority of people in this nation are confused, even if it's about a very small aspect, the point is they are. They're not confident in there life, the government & corporations see this & prosper off of it. They intentioanally mislead you through the media, false happenings, byast information, & subliminal messages. Hypnotizing people is possible. Don't ever think it's just some crazy idea, because you yourself may be hypnotized & not even know it. The government hypnotizes you into falling under the impression that money is everything & that you must do whatever you can to obtain it, which is not true. They make you think that going to school is very beneficiary & in turn it actually is, though it also is very pointless in the aspect of that it is giving knowledge to a bunch of people who don't even know why they're here or how to control there body. They're giving a map to a bunch of idiots who don't even know how to drive a car. Which is pointless. I've learned alot from school, not because of the material & curriculum, but because of the teachers that i've had. I've been fortunate enough to have some very insightful teachers who know how to apply knowledge to peole's lives, it is because of them that I learned. Now they're intentionally taking things out the textbooks in order to ease the pain from overdramatic religous fanatics who disagree with science which is one of the most retarded things ever. Understand that the government will not show you everything, only what they want you to see. They want to keep the sheep relatively stable instead of having them panic & revolt.This brings about an easier form of controlling people since they don't want to struggle. This brings about the notion that they are doing just what they're planning & we're falling into there plot. If we continue to conform to there standards & regulations then we will be doomed to succumbing to there power. So it's only natural that some people rebel against the government since they're not putting complete effort into bringing peace & tranquility,because we all know that government officials will most likely not change there views. This wouldn't be a great benefit to them, so to some degree it's understandable that they have to hinder things from us, though there are some things which they intentionally lie to us about, that is not righteous.Hiding circumstances is one thing, intentionally lieing about them is one more drastic. We need to seperate ourselves from the bullshit being fed to us by the government. You can do whatever it is that you want to regardless of your background, never bring yourself to believe this isn't so. There is such a thing as justice & righteousness. Though because of our corrupt government, many people say this is unrealistic. Nothing is impossible. If we can think it, then we can make it happen. Let's start depending on ourselves rather than on ignorant greedy people. Don't just accept things to be, question the hell out of them until you feel that you have accurately depicted the aspect of what it is which fits into your life & how you can manipulate that without harming others. You need to know the structure of everything that you do because if you don't, you won't be able to be in full control. Someone will always be in a higher control room that you are until you learn how it is to control the resources which are at your immediate grasp.

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