Evolution in my terms would be a species constant effort to reach perfection & adaptation to it's surrounding environment. Species are constantly evolving which is evident. Though we have a while without any major advancements in our genetic makeup. We have remained relatively the same in the past 2000 years , I believe this is because we're not striving for advancements in humanity, but advancements in warfare & insignificant aspects of life. Though either way as humanity progresses through time the unconscious mind either way
picks up on what is missing in its structure & then turns that into something which it develops. Just look at how much we have evolved from what we use to be, & what contributed to that evolution. Each and every evolution was because it would help us more in our journey to become more connected to the universe & to take in a larger amount of energy. Evolution was necesary in order to surpass our endeavors & open up more possibilities for humans. Evolution is powered by the sheer life energy which surrounds us & makes up our genetic makeup, which is our DNA. This is all powered by the very essence of reaction within the universe powered by opposite forces,creating electromagnetic radiativity. It is subatomic structure which has a great influence on life, & when this very essence of energy is manifested on an immense scale, life begins to dramatically change. That so much is evident because humanity has constantly evolved into higher life forms which seek to understand more & obtain more energy.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Earth's Life
As we all know we aren't the only living species which inhabits the planet earth. There are animals,plants, & bacteria. Many other forms of life exist on earth but let us not get that far into detail. The main idea is that we are not alone on this planet. We have to become more conscious of the fact that other species live and co-exist on this planet. We must allow life to flourish on this planet to make it a more beautful one, not destroy life. The more life the more sources of energy we have. This would provide us with alot more of invalueable resources. People should think twice when they decide to kill off other species of life on this planet for there own personal gain. In reality there are many definitions to what is "living" and what it is not, & in turn one could argue that everything is living, or a vast amount of what is on earth. Though this should not stop us from completely refraining from using earth's resources because we shouldn't harm living things. For example a plant is a living thing, yet we eat them. This in my view is not harmful because the plant I believe is a form of the earth producing life so that other life can flourish. The greater sources of energy should only matter, such small insignificant forms of life should be disregarded unless they have a profound impact on our existance in the long run. We have to know our limits when it comes to consuming & or utilizing other living beings on this planet. We must not exhaust their resources, only use efficiently & delicately. We know that we would not like it if a higher life form would all of a sudden just come & kill us for it to exist, that is evident. So we must be extremely conscious in regards as to what we do on this planet, & what we effect by doing so. The consequences are a matter which need to be taken into consideration when participate in such activities.
We must begin to embrace all the plant life which thrives on the earth. We need to stop polluting the soil by just littering so carelessly. It's the plants which give us our food, we don't make food. So then if this is so why do we continue to massacre rain forests & so blindly just kill all of the plant species on earth. We must allow plants to flourish in abundance on mother earth so that a famine will never occur, all it takes is to throw a seed in a hole, cover it with soil, & water it. Such a simple process yet people can't take time out to do such a simple thing which in the long run will greatly benefit us. Plants are everywhere & we need to become more conscious of there existance because if we don't we could cause a very negative reaction from the plants. Grow plants everywhere for there should be no place where plants are not allowed. They intake our polluting carbon dioxide and emit oxygen which allows to breathe & think clearly. They give us elements of life & we should not take that for granted because we perceive them to be insignificant when in reality if it wasn't for the we wouldn't be alive. People should think about that everytime they attempt to cut a tree or destroy any plant life. Treat the plants as if they were human beings for they can not engage in intense cognition, but they are still living things none the less & the more we adapt to there lifestyle, the better off we will be on this planet. We will become healthier & happier if we begin to do this, even though this is something that should already be in place.
As everyone knows we all live on the planet earth. Lately we haven't been doing to many things which really benefit the earth. In example: oil spills, global warming, destruction of rain forests, and pollution on a mass scale. The more we destroy earth, the more we destroy our one & only home. People seem to be blinded by wealth & power so much that they've forgotten about our planet. If it wasn't for this planet we wouldn't exist. Try your best to contribute to the flourishment of life on this planet. Recycle your trash & avoid dumping any chemical toxins into the ground. Try not to burn things, avoid it as much as possible. Contribute to the efforts of which are being made in order to bring about a more energy efficient society. Promote hybrid production. Grow plants where ever & whenever you can. Bring more oxygen to this earth. Stop letting the oil companies destroy our beautiful mother. Stop the negativety which flows throughout our entire earth. Make this planet a better one which we can all live happily on. Don't pollute the earth, cherish it. For we only have one. We won't be able to just up & move to another planet, we have to make due with what we have. Make mother earth beautiful. Learn more about the earth. Help people who want to clean up the earth & begin to use renewable energy resources. Help fix the storm of problems which he have created on this planet thanks to ignorance.
The Destruction of Our Beautiful Mother
Ley Lines
The Banks of America
Take a look around you people, more & more businesses are closing, & yet more banks are opening in abundance. Why is this? If we're in a recesion why would we need more banks? Get it to your heads, we will never get out of a recesion, as long as we are controlled by the banks & economic system of the United States. They know that we can't control it, that's why whenever you look at economic stocks they put all these big confusing numbers in front of you so you won't understand, purposely to confuse you. The banks are in control now, and will be until we stop them. All they need is some paper, and they have all they need to take control of our land,property, & freedom. Break this system of oppresion in order for us to finally be free. By circulating something which everybody holds at a very high reverance which is nothing more than a piece of paper, they are able to control the worlds greatest resources without any struggle. Everybody should make there own system of merits to avoid any involvement of the federal reserve banking system. For it isn't a law that we have to use there money. We can stop this if we all come together but it takes effort from each & every person who is sick of tired of living in misery just because they have no money. Again money isn't everything, but now a days you NEED it to survive which is sad. Money from the government is nothing more than a piece of paper which sais you owe somebody something, for why do you need money? You need it buy what you need, so in essence you only get money because you know you need something, you're basically just letting people keep track of what you need instead of just going straight to the source & obtaining it yourself. It's a system of mass confusion which has completely crippled society into thinking that there is no way of managing deeds through honesty & being able to repay people for them without having a faulty conformist system of paper merits. Money may not be the root of all evil, but it certainly is the root of all confusion.
The majority of people in this nation are confused, even if it's about a very small aspect, the point is they are. They're not confident in there life, the government & corporations see this & prosper off of it. They intentioanally mislead you through the media, false happenings, byast information, & subliminal messages. Hypnotizing people is possible. Don't ever think it's just some crazy idea, because you yourself may be hypnotized & not even know it. The government hypnotizes you into falling under the impression that money is everything & that you must do whatever you can to obtain it, which is not true. They make you think that going to school is very beneficiary & in turn it actually is, though it also is very pointless in the aspect of that it is giving knowledge to a bunch of people who don't even know why they're here or how to control there body. They're giving a map to a bunch of idiots who don't even know how to drive a car. Which is pointless. I've learned alot from school, not because of the material & curriculum, but because of the teachers that i've had. I've been fortunate enough to have some very insightful teachers who know how to apply knowledge to peole's lives, it is because of them that I learned. Now they're intentionally taking things out the textbooks in order to ease the pain from overdramatic religous fanatics who disagree with science which is one of the most retarded things ever. Understand that the government will not show you everything, only what they want you to see. They want to keep the sheep relatively stable instead of having them panic & revolt.This brings about an easier form of controlling people since they don't want to struggle. This brings about the notion that they are doing just what they're planning & we're falling into there plot. If we continue to conform to there standards & regulations then we will be doomed to succumbing to there power. So it's only natural that some people rebel against the government since they're not putting complete effort into bringing peace & tranquility,because we all know that government officials will most likely not change there views. This wouldn't be a great benefit to them, so to some degree it's understandable that they have to hinder things from us, though there are some things which they intentionally lie to us about, that is not righteous.Hiding circumstances is one thing, intentionally lieing about them is one more drastic. We need to seperate ourselves from the bullshit being fed to us by the government. You can do whatever it is that you want to regardless of your background, never bring yourself to believe this isn't so. There is such a thing as justice & righteousness. Though because of our corrupt government, many people say this is unrealistic. Nothing is impossible. If we can think it, then we can make it happen. Let's start depending on ourselves rather than on ignorant greedy people. Don't just accept things to be, question the hell out of them until you feel that you have accurately depicted the aspect of what it is which fits into your life & how you can manipulate that without harming others. You need to know the structure of everything that you do because if you don't, you won't be able to be in full control. Someone will always be in a higher control room that you are until you learn how it is to control the resources which are at your immediate grasp.
One conspiracy which I feel that the government may or may have not set up would be the tragic occurences on september 9th 2001. My basis for this would be all of the documents & interviews which I saw, & how the people who constructed the world trade centers stated that they had built them so tough that the towers could of withstood even more planes crashing into them, & they shouldn't of fell. Though they did & very rapidly. Not only this but people say to have heard an explosion, not collision, but an explosion. The building collapsed way to fast for it to have been blamed solely on the plane. To be so oblivious to such point blank facts which insinuate foul play is stupid.
The Pentagon
Another place where I hijacker was supposedly headed to was the Pentagon. After this supposed crash no remains of a jet were found what so ever which is very weary, not only that but the trajectory of the collision brings about many more questions. What a coincidence that the camera were off at that very moment when the plane crashed. Take into consideration that the Pentagon is the central intelligence agency. These people know how warfare works, don't you think they would have detected that plane as soon as it were close to the Pentagon & shot it down?
The War In Iraq
A pointless war only used as a scapegoat to enforce our will in foreign countries. A war without a doubt lead by the corporations of america. An ethnic cleansing held in the form of protection. Nobody seems to really know what exactly is happening & why we're there. Though as soon as you open your eyes & stop watching the idiots on the new & how they explain it, you'll know exactly what's happening & why we're there. It is supposedly said that Saddam Hussein did indeed acquire a weapon of mass destruction, though not in the sense many people depict it to be. The nature of this item is still unknown but one thing is for sure, & that is that the item was not a bomb or anything of that nature. Though thoughts involve it being an ultimate source of energy. One thing is for certain this war is continuing for various reasons, but people need to open there eyes because its not for the retarded reason that terrorists are going to kill us.
Home of the free, land of the corrupt.
This mainly applies to the people who live in the United States of America. I can't lie, this is a great country because of the ideas & morals it was founded on. But that has been savagely & ruthlessly been taken advantage of by the dominant capitolist society. This country has been corrupted by greed, & it is because of these dominant few that other countries hate america, they don't hate us, though they stereotype & make the blind assumption that we are as the corporate officials are. The corporations of america are slowly taking over the world through a system set up to imprison people to a higher power. That system is the economy. The main source of power in this world is money, sadly. Through this they set up conspiracies which mislead the public into thinking that other countries are trying to harm us, they do this to get us all riled up & ready for war. What else is to be expected, but what a surprise the idiots of america get all excited & load there guns. The media is controlled by corporations, don't believe everything you see on the news. Carefully analyze what the media is trying to portray & why that is. One prime example would be the war in Iraq. This war is supposedly because of the attack on the world trade centers which I have established to be a possible government conspiracy, & terrorism. There is no group named al queda which is trying to kill us, if this was so don't you think they would be trying to do so at this very moment? They can because they are under the protection & sanction of Pakistan. We can't invade this country, so they're free to make elaborate plans which would fool the government making it possible for them to attack us. Though this isn't happening because they're just exercising they're freedom of religion, but somehow we've turned them into this radical group bent on destrcution. The real reason we're in Iraq would be for more control, & money. By going over there & having the people kill themselves rather than us them, we gain more control. By utilizing the resource of abundant oil on there land, we gain more money. By setting american embasies & "Democracy" we make them more dependent on us. In reality all we're trying to do is screw them over so that we can have more control over the world & little by little we will have no one to oppose us. Oh & another thing which fueled this was the supposed "Nuclear weapons of mass destruction"...which we never found. We are becoming the very thing we broke apart from hundreds of years ago, the imperialistic country of England. We are become our the very type of government which the people of the colonies hated. We must stop this system of oppresion,debt,greed, & corruption. We the people must stand for what's right & take full control of this corrupt government full of ignorant bought out people. We don't control this country, the corporations of America do. Indeed the world & it's resources are a quiet game in which only the elite dominant few play for the control of what they consider to be wealth.
Day and Night
This simple pattern is evident to everyone. When are people awake, & when do they go to sleep? They are awake & most active during the day, which is when the sun is shining & in the sky. Though when it goes down, we all go to sleep & rest, well ofcourse not all of us. But what this signifies is that we are all following a schedule in accordance with the sun, not the man in the sky. We all seem to follow the sun more than we think. Doesn't it seem more energetic & blissful when the sun is out & shining at it's brightest? When the sun goes down & night enters, all the stars shine bright in the sky, doesn't it feel at this point like we're just floating now & we're more connected to the universe? Day & Night are personified in many religions because this concept is very significant. The night brings inquisitveness & longing for something more, in my life. The sun brings security,liveliness, & productiveness, in my life. Be that as it may, that way of thinking may apply to any of your lives.
Plant Growth
If you haven't been living under a rock then you know how sunlight effects plant growth. As i've been beginning to notice which seems really weird for me to bearly be noticing but sadly I bearly have, plants wilt towards the direction of the most sunlight. They grow & absorb the sunlight in order to obtain more energy. The sunlight would be one of the major intakes of energy which the plant needs. Without sunlight the plants wouldn't grow. During the summer is when plants blossom & grow in abundance because in the summer is when the sun is at it's brightest in the sky due to the movement & tilt of the earth's axis. April showers bring may flowers, theres truth to that because the abundance of water, followed by the abundance of sunlight of the summer brings about plants everywhere. The plants of this earth also follow a patter of life according to the sun's direction of energy.
Earth's Creation
It is to my understanding that the earth formed from a ball of gases which gathered due to the sun's gravitation pull. As time progressed the gases condensed more & more, & more matter began to collect within that ball of gases. Molten rock then started to appear. As more time progressed it began to take on a more solidified state. Then was the manifestation of vapors in the atmosphere. As the vapors condensed water began to surface on the earth. When water was now on the earth bacteria began to flourish. Trees then started to form. Then the remains of those tree's formed lower life forms such as plants & small living organisms. Then , again im not sure just something which I have conceived as a possible concept, once it was in it's solid state a meteor crashed into it with more bacteria which then in turn formed a vast abundance of life on the planet earth. Earth indeed was created due to the sun's gravitational pull. So the source of energy which is to be credited for the existance of earth would be the sun, thus bringing the existance of humanity to be credited because of the sun's existance. So in this sense if you want to look at god as what created us, directly it should be credited to the sun.
But then again everyone has there own viewpoints. If it were not for the sun's existance planet earth would not exist,nor would we.
But then again everyone has there own viewpoints. If it were not for the sun's existance planet earth would not exist,nor would we.
Have you ever sat & wondered why there's so much fighting over who's "God". Did you ever think out of the mind set that "God" is not even a person? It's really silly to believe that there's a man in the sky that watches over everything we do & passes righteous judgement just because, if you believe that concept. or that any human being has control over our world, then you are mistaken. Humans are flawed, thus any society or realm created by a human is bound to have flaws. Everyone of has our weaknesses. God in the sense of the entity which is to be credited for our existance would fall mainly in the presence of the sun. The sun is what coordinates our daily movements. When the sun is out, we're out. When it goes down, we go to sleep. Think about it, this is for christians & catholics, whenever you envisioned the son of god coming down descending from heaven followed by the perly gates & the almighty behind him, what did you honestly see in the background? Was it not just a very bright light which you couldn't see through? A light with blinding radiance? If you did envision it this way, god, in reality is the sun. Another reason why gemstones, such as gold & pearl, are emphasized so much is because they have a high vibrational frequency(energy) & when 2012 comes the energy will be powerful enough to coat the surface of the earth making it become a more dense rock with radient energy. Every 2,580 years the sun goes through a phase in which it hits its lowest point, remains at that point for three days, then rises & ascends to its peak in the sky shining brighter than ever with its clear radiance. This sequence of events would coincide with the quantative aspect in regards to Jesus Christ's 3 days of being dead then rising. The sun has been significant in each & every religion. It is the sun which has us in it's gravitational pull. It is because of the sun that plant life is allowed to flourish on this planet. It is because the sun that we are allowed to exist on this planet. The sun is a great source of energy & we must learn how to harnest this immense abundance of energy. If we can learn to do this than we can obtain the energy of the sun, then expand our horizons in order to obtain farther sources of energy, giving us an infinite amount of energy to obtain. If we can reach this level of energy efficiency then we can grow as a race to a point never imagined. The sun is constantly giving out energy in the form of its rays of sunshine & solar winds. The world is gaining a better grasp of renewable energy, but first we must learn how to exhaust this resource in order to obtain a wide variety of other methods to obtain energy. To my knowledge we are the only planet with signs of intelligent life, in cooperation of the human race to achieve one goal, we can become the dominant species in the solar system & be the greater source of energy so that we may be in control. There is other life on other planets, though it seems to be that we would be the most intelligent life in the solar system.
The False God
If you have, or ever have believe that god is a man in the sky which we can't see, you are very very very sadly mistaken. God is not a person, AT ALL. Man is flawed, so if god where a person he himself would be flawed. God is not an animal, God is not in the clouds, God is not in church, God is not jesus christ, God is not anything of the human realm & should never be referenced to as "he".
God is energy, & energy is god. Your mind is god because everything you see is all in your head, nothing more. Open your eyes & stop believing everything that every other stupid ignorant person is telling you. For they themselves don't even know what God is, not the priest, not the pope, nobody in a church will ever accurately tell you what God is. The main source of energy which governs your life is God. People who subject there theories of God to the aspect that God is cruel in some way & is in total control are very ignorant. Well in reality God is in control, but in a very divine way which you wouldn't understand because God is the flow of things & there will always be a flow. God does not critisize nor discriminate, for these actions are not divine.
No matter what God will always have control over your life whether you like it or not, because if God didn't exist,neither would you. People have radically misintrepretated the concept of God throughout the ages to the point where it's just a joke. Honestly seeing protesters protesting that God hates people that are gay is just one of the funniest things I have ever seen. God does not prefer anyone, God prefers love & compassion amongst all. Don't ever let some stupid ignorant hateful person tell you what God is for they will give you a byast answer which may potentially confuse you. I remember being so scared by the Catholic church that at one point I actually thought very stubbornly to the point where I would honestly & genuinely get scared that if I sinned I would indeed go to hell. Hell is a laugh, and if the "Devil" does not like that, then if he indeed is real, he would kill me at this very moment. God is not hateful, nor will he banish anyone to the depths of an imaginary place. Hell is what you make it, Hell is your fear & doubt. If you hate your life, then you are currently in hell, it doesn't get any worse than that. There is no heaven awaiting you when you die, heaven is when things are in complete harmony & energy flows in abundance as everything is at its peaceful rest. God is love & life. God is all, & all is God.
The Great Awakening
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