Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Evolution in my terms would be a species constant effort to reach perfection & adaptation to it's surrounding environment. Species are constantly evolving which is evident. Though we have a while without any major advancements in our genetic makeup. We have remained relatively the same in the past 2000 years , I believe this is because we're not striving for advancements in humanity, but advancements in warfare & insignificant aspects of life. Though either way as humanity progresses through time the unconscious mind either way
picks up on what is missing in its structure & then turns that into something which it develops. Just look at how much we have evolved from what we use to be, & what contributed to that evolution. Each and every evolution was because it would help us more in our journey to become more connected to the universe & to take in a larger amount of energy. Evolution was necesary in order to surpass our endeavors & open up more possibilities for humans. Evolution is powered by the sheer life energy which surrounds us & makes up our genetic makeup, which is our DNA. This is all powered by the very essence of reaction within the universe powered by opposite forces,creating electromagnetic radiativity. It is subatomic structure which has a great influence on life, & when this very essence of energy is manifested on an immense scale, life begins to dramatically change. That so much is evident because humanity has constantly evolved into higher life forms which seek to understand more & obtain more energy.

Earth's Life

As we all know we aren't the only living species which inhabits the planet earth. There are animals,plants, & bacteria. Many other forms of life exist on earth but let us not get that far into detail. The main idea is that we are not alone on this planet. We have to become more conscious of the fact that other species live and co-exist on this planet. We must allow life to flourish on this planet to make it a more beautful one, not destroy life. The more life the more sources of energy we have. This would provide us with alot more of invalueable resources. People should think twice when they decide to kill off other species of life on this planet for there own personal gain. In reality there are many definitions to what is "living" and what it is not, & in turn one could argue that everything is living, or a vast amount of what is on earth. Though this should not stop us from completely refraining from using earth's resources because we shouldn't harm living things. For example a plant is a living thing, yet we eat them. This in my view is not harmful because the plant I believe is a form of the earth producing life so that other life can flourish. The greater sources of energy should only matter, such small insignificant forms of life should be disregarded unless they have a profound impact on our existance in the long run. We have to know our limits when it comes to consuming & or utilizing other living beings on this planet. We must not exhaust their resources, only use efficiently & delicately. We know that we would not like it if a higher life form would all of a sudden just come & kill us for it to exist, that is evident. So we must be extremely conscious in regards as to what we do on this planet, & what we effect by doing so. The consequences are a matter which need to be taken into consideration when participate in such activities.


We must begin to embrace all the plant life which thrives on the earth. We need to stop polluting the soil by just littering so carelessly. It's the plants which give us our food, we don't make food. So then if this is so why do we continue to massacre rain forests & so blindly just kill all of the plant species on earth. We must allow plants to flourish in abundance on mother earth so that a famine will never occur, all it takes is to throw a seed in a hole, cover it with soil, & water it. Such a simple process yet people can't take time out to do such a simple thing which in the long run will greatly benefit us. Plants are everywhere & we need to become more conscious of there existance because if we don't we could cause a very negative reaction from the plants. Grow plants everywhere for there should be no place where plants are not allowed. They intake our polluting carbon dioxide and emit oxygen which allows to breathe & think clearly. They give us elements of life & we should not take that for granted because we perceive them to be insignificant when in reality if it wasn't for the we wouldn't be alive. People should think about that everytime they attempt to cut a tree or destroy any plant life. Treat the plants as if they were human beings for they can not engage in intense cognition, but they are still living things none the less & the more we adapt to there lifestyle, the better off we will be on this planet. We will become healthier & happier if we begin to do this, even though this is something that should already be in place.


As everyone knows we all live on the planet earth. Lately we haven't been doing to many things which really benefit the earth. In example: oil spills, global warming, destruction of rain forests, and pollution on a mass scale. The more we destroy earth, the more we destroy our one & only home. People seem to be blinded by wealth & power so much that they've forgotten about our planet. If it wasn't for this planet we wouldn't exist. Try your best to contribute to the flourishment of life on this planet. Recycle your trash & avoid dumping any chemical toxins into the ground. Try not to burn things, avoid it as much as possible. Contribute to the efforts of which are being made in order to bring about a more energy efficient society. Promote hybrid production. Grow plants where ever & whenever you can. Bring more oxygen to this earth. Stop letting the oil companies destroy our beautiful mother. Stop the negativety which flows throughout our entire earth. Make this planet a better one which we can all live happily on. Don't pollute the earth, cherish it. For we only have one. We won't be able to just up & move to another planet, we have to make due with what we have. Make mother earth beautiful. Learn more about the earth. Help people who want to clean up the earth & begin to use renewable energy resources. Help fix the storm of problems which he have created on this planet thanks to ignorance.